Liability Release

This release is intended to discharge in advance Unite for HER, its employees, agents, servants and other sponsors and promoters from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in this program. I hereby irrevocably and forever waive, release and discharge Unite for HER and all of its employees, agents, servants and other sponsors and promoters of said event from any and all claims, suits and liability for damages, for death, personal injury or property damage.

I understand that participation follow up appointments with complementary therapy providers have inherent physical risks. In consideration of the free services, including but not limited to yoga/meditation, acupuncture, massage/Reiki, and nutrition, I hereby release Unite for HER of all liability. The providers and services provided through Unite for HER participants are rendered without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or treatment results. These services are not provided in lieu of medical advice and you should always consult with your physician regarding any medical questions you any have.

By registering to receive a CSA share from Lancaster Farm Fresh, I understand that my share box will be labeled with the letters "UFH" along with my name to ensure proper pick up of this unique share. This information will be visible to others who visit the site, including non-Unite for HER participants picking up their share in the same location.

In no event shall Unite for HER be liable for any damages whatsoever caused by provider actions or negligence, including special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages, or damages for physical or emotional trauma, or loss of profits or revenue, arising out of or connected with any Unite for HER provider treatment or services. I acknowledge my name and contact information will be provided to the Unite for HER providers for outreach and appointment scheduling purposes only, and that no information related to my treatment, or any other confidential information will be shared.